There is no good way to express a linear regression model in GAMS. An explicit minimization problem will be non-linear as it needs to express a sum of squares. Alternatively, a linear formulation using the normal equations (X'X)b=X'y will introduce numerical instability (see example longley2.gms below). |
Therefore we have introduced a compact notation where we replace the objective by a dummy equation: the solver will implicitly understand that we need to minimize the sum of squared residuals. The GAMS/LS solver will understand this notation and can apply a stable QR decomposition to solve the overdetermined model quickly and accurately.
The basic model will look like: |
sumsq.. sse =n= 0; fit(i).. data(i,'y') =e= b0 + b1*data(i,'x'); option lp = ls; model leastsq /fit,sumsq/; solve leastsq using lp minimizing sse; |
The fit equations describe the equation to be fitted.
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Examples | ||
For more information see:
In some cases we have a nonlinear statistical model to estimate: y=f(X,θ). In this case we cannot use linear algebra to find the minimizer but need to employ a numerical minimization technique. The GAMS/NLS uses NL2SOL. In addition it can use a starting point found by any of the GAMS NLP solvers. A major advantage of using GAMS is that the modeler does not have to provide derivatives. |
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Examples | ||
For more information see:
GAMS 22.8 has a few facilities to retrieve the Hessian. These examples show how this can be used to estimate variance and standard errors in some maximum likelihood estimation applications. |
Here are some documents that deal with statistics in a GAMS environment. They are all in PDF format. In many cases the documents contains download links to make it easier to retrieve the models. |
This zip file contains the GAMS/LS and GAMS/NLS regression solvers (Windows 32 bit). Note that under GAMS 22.8 LS is included. For earlier GAMS releases or for GAMS/NLS you can use this download.